We serve a free community meal every Sunday from 4 to 6 pm in Walker House at 724 Walnut Street in Murphysboro Illinois. A team of 18 volunteers serve home-cooked food to guests at their table on porcelain plates with stainless tableware. We focus on making our guests feel welcome, comfortable, and appreciated.
Guests enjoy being served by friendly volunteers and dining with their neighbors in surroundings that celebrate the history and diversity of Murphysboro. Volunteers appreciate the opportunity to serve others in a comfortable setting and familiar routine.
During our year ended June 30, 2024, we served 5,646 meals to more than 450 different people at an average of 111 guests per week. Four of every five guests live on incomes below the Federal poverty level, one of every five are under the age of 18, and one of every four are members of our minority community.
Everyone is welcome and nobody leaves hungry
Menu for January 26, 2025
King Ranch Chicken Casserole
Pineapple Upside Down Cake
Organizations donate $500 to sponsor Dinner on the House for one month.